AMF is proud to support Panther Fist Studios for their project “The Panther Fist Studios Outreach Program” which seeks to provide one thousand persons with FREE hands-on media production and digital literacy education to further their goal to foster the importance for artistic growth, mental health and access to resources and employment opportunities.
Panther Fist Studios is a music and video production studio based in Oakland, California. Their mission is to serve to amplify voices within their community and to help artists develop their dream. The Project seeks to provide media production and digital literacy to the youth, elderly, and underserved families of the San Francisco Bay Area.
The Project seeks to uplift community members that otherwise would not have access to opportunities like this. Panther Fists hopes to give new, emerging, and even established artists a voice and possible future employment. The project seeks to raise funds to serve at least a thousand persons at a cost of $500 per person.
Check out these videos of their past projects: